About Us

Hello! My name is Maria Rodeffer and I started Rodeffer Meats, LLC in 2020. That’s right folks, during the pandemic. Starting a small business is HARD. Starting a small business during a pandemic is INCREDIBLY HARD! 

I saw a need in my community for fresh meat. My community needed another option to buy meat where they knew where it was coming from unlike the big chain stores. I had the passion to make this a reality so I got to work.

Before opening Rodeffer Meats, LLC I was an Early Childhood Teacher for eight years. While my time teaching was priceless I knew my future laid elsewhere. When everyone was on lock down in Ohio during the pandemic I began to put my plan into action (while also having a baby!) While teaching the next Fall and Winter I spent almost every lunch researching and making phone calls for my business. 

Think toilet paper was hard to get during the pandemic? Try getting custom made walk in coolers, freezers, fresh meat cases, ect while factories across the country were on shut down or completely understaffed. My goal was to open in May of 2021….instead I opened my doors in December of 2021. 

Since opening my community has opened their arms to my small business. Daily I hear how thankful a customer is that I opened my meat market. I have learned so much since opening and this business has truly been a project of love, sweat, and tears!

I am always looking to the future. Our Small Batch Bacon has always been our pride and joy! From the very beginning it has been hard to keep in stock and the waiting list for our Blueberry Bacon in particular is ever growing. I am now proud to offer all our Bacons for sale by the whole or half bellies. We will also start shipping our Bacon within the continental US!